Sunday, March 06, 2005

Gartner: Outsourcing costs more than in-house | CNET

Gartner: Outsourcing costs more than in-house | CNET "Outsourced customer service operations can cost almost a third more than those retained in-house, according to a new study by Gartner."

A few years back I had a very nice job that I greatly enjoyed. Then they lost a lot of business with the dot.gone love of 2001. I had never like working with 'tech' support that I could not understand. Having my position taken from me and given to some outsourced company drove it home.

I guess them are the breaks.

At least there is proof that what I knew all along.

"Most (offshore deals) are for level-one enquiries but not the full end-to-end customer service. People are sending bits of processes, but they have got wise as to what is and what is not suitable to be sent offshore,"
