Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Great Falls feild trip.

Jessica had a feild trip to Great Falls Virgina. Marilou was able to go as a chaperone. She took some GREAT pictures of the even. Posted by Picasa

Here is Jessica and classmates on the Potomic bridge at the falls.. Posted by Picasa

Franchesca and Jessica on the bridge. Posted by Picasa

Here is Park Ranger Peter explaining to the calls about the falls and surounding areas history. Posted by Picasa

Marilou explained that George Washington had see the falls while riding around the area on horse back. He devised a plan to create a system to use the river as a trade route from the Harbor via a man made canal to circomvent the falls. Posted by Picasa

Jessica looks about the beutiful landscape. Posted by Picasa

LUNCH with friends is always the best. Posted by Picasa

Here are the falls. Posted by Picasa

Here are the falls with some birds and beutiful trees. Posted by Picasa

The Potomic. Posted by Picasa

Here is the man made canal. They called it a water elevator. It is amazing the way we find solutions to make life 'better' Posted by Picasa