Friday, December 30, 2005

Merry Christmass! This is me and my brother's son William. So cute! Posted by Picasa

We went to Laura's families Christmass celebration. They had the kids act out the first Christmass story. It was great fun.  Posted by Picasa

And then they all opened presents. Posted by Picasa

The next day was Christmass at Jeff's house! w00t! What fun. The big hit was the really cool t-shirts Tricia got everyone from Ajo, Arizona. Posted by Picasa

Here is Jacob and his cool Ajo shirt. Posted by Picasa

Here is Jessica with hers! we LOVE Ajo. Mostly because Tricia and family are there. But don't tell that to the folks out there! :P Posted by Picasa

Then it was off to Marilou's Brother, Jhun! Here you see Jessica, Jacob, Mara, Karina and Brielle. What cute cousins! Posted by Picasa

Marilou is holding the cutie pie Brielle. Posted by Picasa

Jhun says I will fix it all! Or hit you with my hammer of power. There is Jhun's wife Naomi in the back holdking Karina. Posted by Picasa

Karina sure likes to play. Talk about a monkey on your back :P Posted by Picasa

Here is Naomi playing with Karina. No matter how we tried Naomi would not let us take a picture of her. Well at least a proper picture. Posted by Picasa

Naomi, Brielle and Jhun.Thanks for letting us stay! Posted by Picasa