Sunday, February 12, 2006

Marilou's Brothers Romel and Jhun stopped by to help us kick of Marilou's Birthday. Here you see Jacob on the left spareing with Mara (Jhun's daughter) on the right. She is awesome. Posted by Picasa

Now this is Jessica and Mara going for it. Mara really knows her kicks. She also has this sweet cart whele kick that I could never catch it with my camera, even in burst action mode. Good stuff for sure. Posted by Picasa

Mara has this really cool form or Kata she does with Fans. Not only does it look amazing. It sounds freaking cool too. Those fans scare me. Posted by Picasa

Those fans come out so fast they break the sound barrier. At least mach 2. Can you say good bye hand, head or any other body part to get in the path of one of those fans of red, fast as lightnig death. Posted by Picasa

Here is Karina, Jhun's 2nd daughter (He has 3 in all) She is amazing with the crazy kicks and stuff. I am 6' 2" and she is is 3' something" and can almost kick the top of my head. Well, not quite, but someday VERY soon. Posted by Picasa

Karina showing off her power moves. Posted by Picasa

I think she can hold that position all day. Like I said, she is a kicking monster! Posted by Picasa

Here we have Romel, The birthday girl Marilou and Jhun. Yup, it is official they are brothers and sister. Posted by Picasa

And here is the whole family. Front row: Kenny (Sung's oldest son) Jacob, Mara, Karina, Jessica. Back row: Romel, Sung, Little baby Reily, Jared, Brielle, Marilou, Naomi and Jhun. Posted by Picasa