Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Merry thanks day!

I know it has been a bit since Thanksgiving. But I had to post the pics of the family getting all back together.

Granny and Ella commune for a moment amidst the madness that is Thanksgiving dinner preparation.

Granny and little sister Kathy cooking!

So yummie! What vegie delight is Kathy cooking up?

TRICIA! and Jeff making with the goofy face.

TRICIA! and Jared making with the goofy face. :)

Jared and Marilou take a cute cuddly pic.

CHECK THAT OUT! All the Bros and Sistas together!

All the girls plus William. How pretty!

Mom and the kids. So many years and still happy to see each other.

Granny and grandkid madness!

The WHOLE FAMILY! SMACK that is a lot of kids. :)