Wish I was on dirt trails. Still fun to pedal!
Finished Cycle: Dec 6, 2012, 2:25:11 PM
Route: Around The Lake
Ride Link: http://cyclemeter.com/0bd3dff125394036/MountainCycle-20121206-1327?r=e
Import Link: http://share.abvio.com/0bd3dff125394036/Cyclemeter-MountainCycle-20121206-1327.kml
Ride Time: 50:31
Distance: 11.52 miles
Average: 13.68 mph
Fastest Speed: 25.42 mph
Ascent: 328 feet
Descent: 299 feet
Calories: 734
GPX Link: http://share.abvio.com/0bd3dff125394036/Cyclemeter-MountainCycle-20121206-1327.gpx