Monday, February 21, 2005

NPR : New Anime

NPR : New Anime Series Come to DVD: "Samurai Champloo"

I enjoy cartoons. Make do doubt about it. But since the whole advent of Sponge bob and the like I am really saddened by the state of animation in america. There are with out a doubt some very good exceptions found in Batman the animated series, Super man adventrues, Batman Beyound, and the Justice League.

Samurai Champloo has some rather "silly" episodes as did Cowboy Bebop. I wish I could find as a high quality level of anime and still be under the age of sixteen friendly. That goes right along with my quest for a resturant that has the McDonald's style play land and the quality food of Chillies or the Cracker Barrel.


Make sure to hit up the NPR link and give it a listen.
